What Is the UroLift® System?

Treatment with the UroLift® System is a proven treatment that provides rapid relief and recovery for men living with symptoms of an enlarged prostate.1 It can break the cycle of medications and how they make a person feel with fewer risks than traditional surgery.The goal of the UroLift System treatment is to relieve symptoms so you can get back to your life and resume your daily activities.

 Homem mais velho sentado ao lado da cama em frustração

Most men living with enlarged prostate (BPH) symptoms take prescription medications after they’re diagnosed but these prescriptions often don’t provide adequate relief and may cause dizziness, fatigue, and sexual dysfunction.2 Medications don't need to become a lifelong burden and men don’t need to wait until surgery is required to address the problem. With the UroLift System treatment, men suffering from BPH symptoms can avoid traditional surgery.

What is BPH?     Visit Our FAQ Page

There’s a proven option that can help men feel revitalised without having to compromise: The UroLift System treatment a proven solution to treat the blockage, freeing men from ongoing BPH medications with a rapid recovery.1

The UroLift System     Visit Our FAQ Page

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A Minimally Invasive Treatment for BPH

Treatment with the UroLift System is usually done on a day case basis or as an outpatient treatment; small implants are used to keep the blocked pathway that impedes the flow of urine open, so that the blockage is addressed and the symptoms of the enlarged prostate (BPH) do not have to be treated all the time. Most patients can return home immediately and experience a speedy recovery.1

 Próstata aumentada bloqueando a ilustração da uretra

Enlarged Prostate

An enlarged prostate can narrow or even block the urethra.

 UroLift Passo 1 Ilustração do Procedimento

Step 1

The UroLift Delivery Device is placed through the obstructed urethra to access the enlarged prostate.

 UroLift Passo 2 Ilustração do Procedimento

Step 2

Small UroLift Implants are permanently placed to lift and hold the enlarged prostate tissue out of the way and increase the opening of the urethra.

UroLift Passo 3 Ilustração do Procedimento

Step 3

The UroLift System treatment provides fast and reliable symptom relief by opening the obstructed urethra.1

Why the UroLift System?

The UroLift System provides a proven treatment that can get men off BPH medications which can make a person feel foggy and cause sexual dysfunction.1,2 Treatment with the UroLift System has a favorable risk profile when compared to traditional BPH surgical procedures that may have serious complications and a long, painful recovery.2,5,7  The treatment may be right for you if any of the following apply:

You want a BPH solution that preserves your sexual function*
You do not want to take a pill for BPH
You tried BPH medication and are unhappy with the side effects
You do not want to undergo major surgery due to risks of complications and side effects
You want to regain your quality of life with limited downtime
You want a minimally invasive treatment that can be performed in your doctor's office
 Casal dançando em um telhado contra um pôr do sol

For Patients

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, or BPH, is a condition in which the prostate enlarges as men get older. Over 70% of men in their 60s have BPH symptoms, so it is very common6. While BPH is a benign condition, unrelated to prostate cancer, it can greatly affect quality of life.

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For Physicians

The UroLift System is an early treatment option for BPH. It is the only leading enlarged prostate procedure that does not require heating, cutting, removal or destruction of prostate tissue - delivering rapid symptom relief and recovery2, 7-11

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